Recovering from hip replacement surgery varies from person to person. To help your body heal and get stronger, make sure you drink lots of fluids and eat healthy and balanced meals. You may be recommended iron supplements.
Physical therapy can help you recover the use of your joints and muscles after hip replacement surgery. You may be recommended strengthening and mobility exercises and daily activities to help you regain your strength and range of motion over time.
You may also be advised to use a walking aid, such as a walker or crutches. Return to regular activities, such as walking, bending, and climbing stairs without assistance, is usually gradual and can take 6 to 12 weeks.
Here are some tips to make things easier during your recovery at home.
- Keep things you use often at waist height so you don't have to bend or stretch too much.
- Think about getting a higher toilet seat and a chair for the shower to help you while you recover.
- Keep essentials like your phone, tissues, remote control, medicine, and books close to where you will spend most of your recovery time.