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Surgical Treatment in Sports Medicine

At Kimball Health Services, we provide several types of surgical treatment for sports medicine. We aim to develop open communication with our patients while making faster recovery and long-lasting results possible. 

Sports medicine encompasses a wide range of surgical treatments for injuries and conditions that affect athletes and active individuals. The choice of procedure depends on the specific injury, its severity, your activity level and goals, and other factors assessed by our orthopedic surgeon.

Sports Medicine Surgical Treatments

Surgical treatment plays a crucial role in sports medicine, offering athletes and active individuals effective and extensive treatment options for various injuries and conditions. 

Whether repairing a torn tendon, stabilizing a dislocated joint, or restoring damaged cartilage, our orthopedic surgeon employs advanced techniques to restore function, alleviate pain, and enhance performance. Our surgical interventions are tailored to address your unique needs, optimize your recovery, and return to sport or activity. 

Surgical Treatments We Offer for Sports Medicine

At Kimball Health Services, we offer advanced and targeted surgical treatment if your condition requires surgery. Common surgical procedures in sports include repairing damaged cartilage and ligaments in the knee, AC shoulder injuries, dislocations, and repairing torn Achilles tendons.

Arthroscopic Surgery

Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves inserting a small camera and specialized instruments into the joint through small incisions. It is commonly used to diagnose and treat various joint problems, such as torn ligaments, cartilage damage, and meniscal tears.

Rotator Cuff Surgery

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint and facilitate arm movement. Tears to the rotator cuff can occur due to repetitive overhead movements, age, or trauma. It can cause pain and make your daily activities difficult to perform. 

In addition, calcium deposits may form on tendons, resulting in severe shoulder pain. During rotator cuff surgery, our surgeons can remove damaged tissue and calcium deposits and reattach the torn tendon to the bone to restore shoulder function.

Labral Repairs (Including Slap Tears)

The labrum is a cartilage ring around the shoulder joint socket. A superior labrum anterior and posterior (SLAP) injury involves damage to the labrum. We can perform surgery to remove or reattach the torn part of the labrum.

The labrum may also get damaged with a shoulder dislocation. In such cases, we can surgically reattach and properly position the labrum to stabilize your shoulder.

Shoulder Stabilization After Dislocation

Recurrent shoulder dislocations or instability may require surgical intervention to repair the soft tissues surrounding the shoulder joint. Surgical procedures are performed to restore stability and prevent future dislocations.

Meniscal Repairs

The meniscus is a C-shaped cartilage structure in the knee that can tear due to injury or aging. It is also common in athletes involved in sports that require pivoting or twisting movements. 

Depending on the type and location of the tear, surgery involves removing the damaged meniscus to prevent rough edges from irritating the joint or repairing the torn edges of the meniscus with stitches.

Anatomic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are common in athletes, especially those involved in sports requiring sudden stops and direction changes. A ruptured ACL can result in knee instability or arthritis. 

During ACL reconstruction surgery, the torn ligament is replaced with healthy tissue grafted from a different part of your body. The graft is usually taken from your hamstring tendon. 

Hip Arthroscopy

It is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat various hip conditions. We perform this surgery to smooth or repair torn cartilage or trim excess bone.

Osteotomy of the Knee

Osteotomy of the knee is a surgery designed to realign the bones of the knee joint, typically to relieve pain and improve function. It is performed for certain types of knee conditions, such as osteoarthritis or ligament injuries. 

During this procedure, our surgeon removes or reshapes a small part of the bone around the knee to help decrease pressure on the affected area of your knee joint. 

Treatment of Knee Cap (Patellofemoral) Disorders

Surgical intervention for knee cap (patellofemoral) disorders is typically considered when conservative, nonsurgical treatments are ineffective in alleviating symptoms and improving function. We decide on this procedure as a suitable surgical option based on the underlying cause of the patellofemoral disorder and your condition.

Repair/Reconstruction of Quadriceps & Patellar Tendon

The quadriceps, patellar tendons, and thigh muscles help straighten the leg. Repair or reconstruction of the quadriceps and patellar tendons is necessary in cases of tendon tears or ruptures. It involves reattaching the tendon to the kneecap for partial or complete tears to restore strength and stability to the knee joint. 

What To Expect During Surgical Treatment

During surgical treatment at Kimball Health Services, you can expect a comprehensive approach that involves several stages.

Medical Evaluation

Before surgery, you will undergo a thorough physical evaluation, including a review of your medical history, imaging tests, and blood tests to assess your overall health and determine the appropriate surgical approach.

Preoperative Preparation

You may receive pain medications or anesthesia depending on the type of surgery and your medical condition. Surgery may be performed using:

  • Local anesthesia - Used to numb the surgical area
  • Regional anesthesia - Administered to numb the surgical site and surrounding areas
  • General anesthesia - Administered to make you unconscious

Surgical Procedure

During the procedure, we closely monitor your vital organs and their function, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels. 

Postoperative Care

After the surgery is complete, you will be closely monitored for the effects of anesthesia. Our surgeon may recommend rehabilitation and physical therapy to help restore function, strength, and range of motion in the affected areas. Additionally, you may need follow-up appointments to examine your condition and treatment progress.

Surgical Treatment at Kimball Health Services

At Kimball Health Services, we provide specialized treatment to alleviate your pain and restore proper function so you can quickly return to the activities you love. Our team aims to deliver a comprehensive and compassionate experience throughout the surgical treatment process.

As one of the top critical access hospitals in the nation, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, patient-centered care. 

In case of an emergency, call 911 or walk into our emergency department anytime. For appointments, call us at 308-235-1966 or fill out our online form. We're here for you whenever you need us. 

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